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Iowa Crash Outcomes Data Evaluation System (CODES)
The goal of the CODES project is to examine outcomes (injuries, long-term disability, hospital charges, discharge status) related to motor vehicle crash-related injuries in the State of Iowa. This is accomplished by probabilistically linking identified person (patient)-level crash, hospital, and mortality data from various state and nationwide datasets. A linkage has been completed to link the Iowa police crash reports with Iowa Emergency Department data, Iowa Hospital Inpatient data, and FARS fatal motor vehicle crashes from 2016 through 2020 to get a single and comprehensive dataset. This dataset has been used to analyzed the direct medical charges of teen-involved vehicle crashes by culpability. Additional years are being added to the dataset for further analysis.
View CODES annual reports from recent years at the following links: FY2024, FY2023, FY2022, FY2021