Articles from November 2023

Car in crosswalk

The most deadly traffic policy you've never heard of

Monday, November 20, 2023
Published by: Des Moines Register
TRIPS Lab Team Photo- Green

Join us in Wearing Green for National Injury Prevention Day on November 18th

Friday, November 17, 2023
The TRIPS Lab team gathered in green to show support and raise awareness for National Injury Prevention Research Day on November 18th, 2023. The TRIPS Lab’s overall mission is to work towards eliminating preventable injuries and deaths. To learn more about Nation Injury Prevention Day and ways to get involved click here.
Michelle Reyes at Traffic and Safety Forum

2023 Traffic and Safety Forum

Thursday, November 9, 2023
Cara Hamann, Michelle Reyes, Amir Ghanbari, and Elizabeth O'Neal presented on various research topics at the 2023 Traffic and Records Forum hosted by Iowa State University's Institute for Transportation (InTrans) on November 8th. The TRIPS Lab presenters discussed 4-3 lane road conversions, cycling to school route choice, and child and adult responses to autonomous vehicle communication cues. Click to learn more about the forum.
Gilsu Pae Poster 2023

Pae wins IPRC prize for research week poster

Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Dr. Gilsu Pae, Postdoctoral Scholar, was awarded the Injury Prevention Research Center (IPRC) prize for his CPH Research Week poster. Pae's poster was titled Identifying risk factors related to older driver crash culpability in Iowa, 2010 to 2020. Dr. Pae's ongoing research is filling gaps in existing literature on older driver safety. Click to learn more about TRIPS Lab research on older driver safety.
Amir Ghanbari presented with AAM grant

Ghanbari awarded $20k by AAAM

Thursday, November 2, 2023
Amir Ghanbari has been named the recipient of the 2023 H. Clay Gabler Scholar’s Program Award from the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM). The award includes $20,000 to support his research proposal to assess the burden of hospitalization for adolescent bicycling injuries in the U.S. Click to learn more from CPH News.
SaferTrek GUI

Article published on self-reported passing behaviors

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
An article by Amir Ghanbari and other TRIPS Lab collaborators was recently published in the journal Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP). The article analyzes the predictors of self-reported passing behaviors among drivers attempting to pass farm equipment on rural roadways. Click to read the article.