Articles from January 2024

Crosswalks Policy Brief

TRIPS Lab Publishes Crosswalk Policy Brief

Monday, January 29, 2024
This policy brief addresses the lack of protections in Iowa State Code for people using crosswalks. Drivers are not required to stop or yield to bicyclists riding in crosswalks in Iowa. A driver who strikes and kills or injures a bicyclist at trail-roadway crossing would likely not face any legal repercussions. Iowa could take a simple and straightforward approach to legally protect all crosswalk users by changing the term pedestrian to person in the State Traffic Code.
Snow Bike

Welcome back, Hawks!

Thursday, January 11, 2024
Over the next few days, students will be returning to a snowcapped campus, with more winter weather on the way. Check Iowa 511 for updated road conditions. Travel safe, everyone!