Lab News

Show #645 - Guests: Cara Hamann, Terry Lansdell
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
By: The Outspoken Cyclist Podcast

Iowa Bicycle Day at the Capitol
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Iowa Bicycle Day at the Capitol (Tues., 1/30) presented an opportunity to discuss bicycle safety issues and solutions with state lawmakers. Cara Hamann and Ryan Dusil spoke with several lawmakers about gaps in protections for people using crosswalks. A related proposed bill (HF2568) passed subcommittee and committee and will be discussed by the House of Representatives soon. Other high-profile bills related to transportation safety includes HSB707, related to cell phone usage while driving and automated traffic enforcement.
TRIPS Lab Publishes Crosswalk Policy Brief
Monday, January 29, 2024
This policy brief addresses the lack of protections in Iowa State Code for people using crosswalks. Drivers are not required to stop or yield to bicyclists riding in crosswalks in Iowa. A driver who strikes and kills or injures a bicyclist at trail-roadway crossing would likely not face any legal repercussions. Iowa could take a simple and straightforward approach to legally protect all crosswalk users by changing the term pedestrian to person in the State Traffic Code.

Welcome back, Hawks!
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Over the next few days, students will be returning to a snowcapped campus, with more winter weather on the way. Check Iowa 511 for updated road conditions. Travel safe, everyone!

Sandra Day O’Connor’s legacy, Hall & Oates beef, crosswalk laws, university speech discrimination and much more
Friday, December 8, 2023
By: Ben Anderson of Legal Face-Off Podcast (WGN Radio)
Linares discusses the public health benefits of bicycling
Friday, December 8, 2023
Iowa City Bike Library Shop Coordinator, Walter Linares, was a guest on the From the Front Row podcast to discuss how biking contributes to personal and community health. In summer 2023, the TRIPS Lab team worked closely with Linares as he instructed 42 children in Bike Club Safety Camp, the intervention component of an NIH-funded youth bike safety education study. Click here to listen to the podcast.

Lang presents poster on youth bike safety education
Friday, December 8, 2023
Undergraduate Public Health student and Research Assistant, Faith Lang, presented her Experiential Learning poster on Monday, December 4. Lang's poster highlighted some preliminary survey results from the youth bicycling safety project. Click to learn more about the youth bike safety education project.
The most deadly traffic policy you've never heard of leaves you vulnerable, too
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Published by: USA Today

The most deadly traffic policy you've never heard of
Monday, November 20, 2023
Published by: Des Moines Register

Join us in Wearing Green for National Injury Prevention Day on November 18th
Friday, November 17, 2023
The TRIPS Lab team gathered in green to show support and raise awareness for National Injury Prevention Research Day on November 18th, 2023. The TRIPS Lab’s overall mission is to work towards eliminating preventable injuries and deaths. To learn more about Nation Injury Prevention Day and ways to get involved click here.